We have a Cat woman in Coventry, famous the world over for the simple need to put 'Lola' in a wheelie Bin. She just lives around the corner from Katie. Some big brother type un-intentionally filmed her putting this harmless moggie in the bin as she walked her way to work at the local bank. She's strikes me as a unhappy woman, and this is the worrying part, what did society do to these poor people to make them do what they do. For example, often I will do something totally illegal when driving, but with no risk to anyone else, for example turn left when I should not; then some driver way behind me will peep his horn madly at me!! I mean what the hell is that all about?. It's my decision, causing no problem to man or beast, yet he has a 'hissy fit'!. That man has control issues, and we need to ask what the hell have we created.
I guess its about stress, and modern society. I do a lot of driving as my job dictates, the traffic has increased along with the 'hissy' drivers and the stress. Regretfully however its another indicator of the social trends and decay which nobody wants to address. You could add to the discussion with the evolution of our para military Police force, illegal DNA databases and coppers getting away with murder.
But then who wants to read my negative waffle!?, especially 'Lola'. Me and Max are having a Boys night in, a racy Chilli on the go, and Alcohol in there somewhere.
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