In some ways a significant moment, a right of passage, just me and Max climbing into the MG and driving down to 'The Qak' in Baginton. They had started a log fire for the season, so we sat down by it and had steaks washed down with Cider. As a first it was kind of Fun!, "what do you think I should drink dad?" and "why do we buy a Cigar, lets buy one!". It reminds me in some ways he's still very young. It was a pleasure and we both enjoyed ourselves.
Difficult week ahead as I attempt to resolve work based issues,but who said life was easy?, I am reminded by that wonderful song by 'Desiree' 'you gotta be'... and I indeed have to be tough on this one, its just put a spoiler on a lot of things related to this project and this company I work for.
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