Monday 10 November 2014

Dr Who 2014

I love DrWho with a passion. I have watched it since the days of 'Pat Troughton', and its a part of my life and my culture to sit down on the sofa on a wet and cold Saturday winters night with the ones I love, and escape into this truly unique aspect of science fiction. Through the years I had qualified my devotion with my autographs from 'John Pertwee' and 'Tom Baker' (surly the greats) and I love fiddling with my collection of screwdrivers,have built a Dalek, and even convinced Jeanette to knit me the scarf.
                                                       The re-invention of the Doctor has been a wonderful experience, and to date I have enjoyed all the  reincarnations, but this series with 'Peter Capaldi' at the helm has been such a disappointment.  I am not going to blame 'Capaldi', despite his accent!. I am looking at 'Moffat'. I have had difficulty swallowing his left wing bias over the years, his anti 'Squaddie' stance and his predisposition to homosexuality being one, or his nihilistic obsession extending to gloom and doom and attempts to literally kill the Doctor, and justifying his actions by his indestructibility, all of this nonsense I have to swallow, I have found it sad in a world of children's television however. But now I am angry, where are the true fans out there I ask myself, this series came to an end on Saturday and I sat there with my partner and asked myself what the hell is this contrived nonsense all about?!. The series has been subject to poor scripts to the point where I felt 'Moffat' was putting ideas in a hat and throwing them on a table and shouting "that will do!" the ideas are all over the place with no real continuity. They promised a newer Dark Doctor, and 'Capaldi' ( a so called fan?) whom I thought could have been a superb vehicle as a new 'Pertwee', ends up being an indecisive, bumbling Panto Dame, running around with his 'troousers' around his ankles and worst still, taking second place to his dolly bird assistant (poorly suited as a companion, and long past her sell by date). The Doctor above all else has to be a role model for our kids for the future, and I do not see one, he also has the responsibility of satisfying and reassuring his older fan base like myself; I cannot find my Doctor. I am dreading the Christmas special, and truly fear the BBC have lost the plot on this show, even 'Sylvester Mc Coys' Doctor wasn't this bad surly?, and that came about by the BBC letting him down.


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