Wednesday 26 August 2015

Something in the Air...

What I mean is, 'is there something in the Air?'. Its more like a vibration, a feeling, a fifth sense of something. I cant quite put my finger on it. Remember when we were young and we had some amazing and sometimes scary vivid dreams. Our imaginations were so fertile. As I get older especially these last weeks this vivid imagery has returned to my dreams. When we were kids and watching the 'Wizard of Oz' the writers hit on something, about Dorothy tapping here shoes and chanting "there's no place like home", what they were teaching us in a simple way, is that intellect will ultimately win over imagination. So as with nightmares when we wake up screaming with the night terrors, our thought process that follows. uses our intellect (and unfortunately, usually a crisp sandwich) to calm us down.
                                                                                I don't know what it is, these last few days in particular have been enveloped in some form of psychic unease. I know the first thing you will say is its all to do with perception, the world insecurity being broadcast through our media, terrorists death etc. Now there may indeed be something in that. But something has sparked of one of my psychic receptors, and I feel a sense of unease and symbolically reach for the security of my sword, and a desire to protect the ones I love. Could it be the final transition of Summer into Autumn?, possibly another factor, a Pagan thing. I really did get a buzz out of 'Avebury' with Jeanette last month, once again over a good few moments in my life the Stones drew me back.It started with a spontaneous and powerful nightmare at Jeanette's cottage on Saturday in the early hours, she felt my unease and I woke up shouting out and sobbing. Then this morning I dreamt of Max and him being vulnerable in some twilight metropolitan crossroad.
                                                                  Look, I am not for a moment saying we should not be logical and analytical of our dream processes, what I am saying is that a vividness, a lost sense of feeling something deep in my Psyche has reared its head, and I cant quite shake it off, in point of fact, do I need to shake it off?....

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