Friday, 10 December 2010

Heating on... Cup a Soup in hand.

Kettle boiling, shall I risk a Cuppa soup? (more like cup of sludge!), they can leave a fouls taste in ones mouth?. Emma left this morning for a week in London, she can have her moments, but you do tend to miss them when they go. My Princess Katie was as sick as a Dog yesterday, so watched over the poor thing. Its either Viral or a brewing infection?. Will have to see, but does her no favours as the move is imminent this weekend. I could not believe it when she crawled back into bed with me yesterday morning, "I don't know how I managed to drive here?" she croaked. In the mean time 'Marmaduke' appears to have developed a frown since he was done, enough said.
There are things I should do today, try and contact some scrap merchants to collect the old dishwasher for one, and move some furniture about. It will be all hands to the deck on Saturday, sofas being lugged about etc. The van is hired, space at the 'tip' booked, so once the bulk of it is done, we can all relax a bit. Still have to figure out what to do with 'Red'?. Must find some place to store her. Tip of the week, don't ever drink the last mouth full of a 'Cup a Soup'!... really, do not.

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