Monday 8 September 2014

Caring for the Scots

I do care for the Scots. I am not Scottish of course, half Irish certainly, but I do worry for them, like a parent would; no I will correct that, a Brother. The English Union was made by Queen Anne all those years ago, in the day a mercenary union perhaps, with fiscal and religious arrangements thrown in, and then passions ran high. But I cant help but feel that was centuries ago, as as Union ( and who said that was a dirty word?) our generations have surly moved on. I personally have never felt a desire to separate my country from the Scottish, or for that matter the Welsh, Cornish etc. I in my own patriotic way am proud to be British, we are a Union.
            Any fool like 'Salmond' can rattle the old nationalistic broadsword, inflame ancient passions and win votes, just like Putin, but that in itself does not justify his arguments or intentions, there are lots of examples for Independence that can be found around us, the Irish, Icelanders and the Greeks show us that, and I find there predicaments agonising, as do there people. I do not believe this is a time to seek independence. Whatever the people of Scotland decide, I cannot forecast, but I can say with a certainty, England will lose a hard fought for friend if they vote for the wrong reasons.


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