Monday 1 June 2015

Me on a Bicycle!..

It really has been years since I rode a bike, and due to my changing body shape I decided that diet itself would not be enough. The first venture was from Bulkington to the Blue Pig, and it nearly killed me!. Its a real cardio vascular work out going uphill, and the first journey does indeed involved wobbly legs as you get of the bike., and yet the return journey not so bad?!. Then last saturday my regimen increased from Wolvey to The Pig in Muck in Claybrooke Magna, again breathing at a remarkable rate, I managed to master the gears and my sore backside!, my brain way saying to me 'Alan, just keep breathing right now!, your sore bottom is irrelevant!', and so it was. Again the return was easier, but there was some profanities on the last hill, they were aimed at myself for losing shape, not the dead Crow or the grass verges, or the couple going at in the lay by, you have to be determined to do this. All through my journey I had nothing but encouragement from my friends and partner, I was so breathless I couldn't answer back!, saliva dribbling down my chin like some imbecile!. The following day I walked into town and came back with some large shopping bags, all of a sudden I started breathing heavily!, and I realised my body was going into cycling mode!!...

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