Friday 3 July 2015

What Dreams are made of...

What Dreams I had in the early hours of this morning!. The first involved me running around some delightful 17th Century village, very 'Hammeresque' chasing Vampires!, and yet by no means a scary dream as I had a big sword ( in Ferro Veritas) and felt quite confident in my mission statement as I ran around chopping off the heads of various blood suckers. The second dream involved me assisting the local constabulary in a '78' Mk 3 Cortina as they drove around 'Bell Green' fending off various attacks from the locals, but the twist here was they then dropped me off at work; some out of the way place, and I say to the two coppers,"I don't know what year this is?, so when I get out of the car you tell me". Intially one of the coppers jokes its 1959, and I know that's daft because of the '78' 'Cortina' of which there polishing the seats with there arses. They inform me its 2013, and the realisation hits me that I have just lost two years of my life!.
                                             My last dream of the night or early hours of this morning involved me being held prisoner in some Attic in some European country, a mixture of France and Germany, anyway I focus on escape, looking down dumb waiters that sort of thing, and as I near my eventual exit, I find a brand new White racing bike!, still in its packaging. So my escape is secured as I cycle my way around this provincial and quaint town, with a mixture of Italian and  Mediterranean architecture. I ask this local kid where do I find the 'Politzei' ( its a strange language) and he points in the direction. So as I enter the Station I present my bicycle to this rough looking guy on the street, whom has this attractive girlfriend with him, he sort of smiles thinly, and I enter the station. Any way it all gets a bit clever as I explain my circumstances to Plod. It transpires I was aware that the head of this Criminal gang was in fact watching the local police station, and I knowingly gave him the bike!, as apparently, I knew the handle bars were packed with Diamonds!, which I had naturally discovered and removed, and present them to the police in a Ketchup bottle. All pretty weird stuff along with at one point being chased by a gang member who was in fact the lead guitarist from 'Slade'.
                                          So in conclusion a mixture of my Mortality, Morality and views on Authority, what the hell did I eat last night?!. I then rang work and informed them that I would not be in for training today as I had a poor sleep last night.


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