Sunday 25 October 2015

A Cat lover I.

Well it had to be really. I turn fifty four this coming week and it does not mean I am dead!. This was my opening line to Jeanette as I introduced her to the new member of the family. We had always had a cat in the house, and since my last one had moved next door, I missed cat company. You can be 54 or  104 and still enjoy  cats surly?. It also just so happened that one of my cousin's in Rugby was giving one away so it all fell together really, its very young, and White and Ginger!!. It appears to be a male and my first thoughts for his name is Oliver Cromwell!, and he's eating me out of house and home as I type!! ( I pause to feed the cat) I enjoyed immensely celebrating Jeanette's birthday this week or so, she's not sure about the cats name so in an attempt to wind me up calls it Charles!, and we look forwards to going to ComiCon next month.. I also catch up with Emma next week,  a duplicitous affair involving Jeanette and Emma via Facebook. Its been a while since I visited London.
                                                                                   I have been told by my son Harry to watch out carefully what I write on the web, as he's now all things military, so no references to a rendezvous with a Russian sub off the Scottish coastline, or the fact fact that hes the illegitimate  son of Flash Gordon?. But what I can reveal, is that the processed cheese in his Pizzas is diabolical!...

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