Monday 6 October 2014

October Rains in Coventry.

I woke after a much needed lay in, to the Rain. Now I know it really is October, along with my memories of many a dark and wet birthdays in my youth. The Cat came in very grumpy and dissatisfied, even after her breakfast, "well I am not giving you any more" I tell her, because I know she's looking fatter, so who's been feeding her?, that Philomena next door?.
                                                            Even the girls at work have been grumpy this week, despite the boss being on annual leave, there a fickle bunch, and consequently, I look forward to my week off at the end of  October. So dust off the winter wear, stock up the freezer, and dry the logs. Batten down the hatches, and retreat whenever possible with Jeanette or Max to my favorite Pub.

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